Monday, November 11, 2013

Diary of Starting a website Part 2

Tapping Into My Reflection
Tapping Into My Reflection (Photo: christianyves)
In my long ago previous post, Diary of Starting a website Part 1, I talked about wanting to start a website for as long as I can remember.

And it's true. I really did.

Being a good writer, or so I am told, and possessing the natural gift of gab, I figured it would a piece of cake.

I was wrong.

Between work,  family and a attempting to have social life, it didn't leave much time to properly devote to running a quality blog or website.

Properly is the key word here.

I've seen websites thrown together in minutes, some good, many just so-so and I wanted to have create a quality website and not just make money

During this time frame, I had changed jobs.

I'm not really one to change jobs too frequently, however, it was a great opportunity in a related field and some travel was involved so there was even less free time to devote to website.

And then - - - I promptly got laid off.

That really rocked my world because in the business I was in, there are agreements signed and it basically meant I could not work for a year.

Not good.

Being the eternal optimist or at least trying to be,  I told myself it was the perfect time to start a website.

There were so many factors to consider though.

Being out of work, I had to watch my pennies, and as you will later find out, the term, "When it rains, it pours" totally applied to me, but not in a good way.

After losing my job something happened to me that I can almost guarantee has never happened to anyone else and it resulted in huge medical bills and the inability to walk. It was very painful and I could not even think, let alone attempt to create a website.

Many more months passed and I was just starting to feel like Chellie again so I decided to forge ahead with my plan to create one or more blogs and had a number of factors to consider such as:

  • Where do I start?
  • Should I purchase my own domain name?
  • What about hosting?
  • How exactly do I create a quality website?
  • What topics should I focus on?
  • Would I administer the website on my own?
  • What about security, SEO, social media and advertising?
After spending a good amount of legwork investigating and researching I was ready.

The next series of articles will cover how I went about it and will provide detailed information about my experience and how you can start a website all by yourself on the cheap if you have the time and the perserverence..

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